Daily Design: Day 299

Daily Design is a series of game concepts devised daily through all of 2016. These are just basic concepts, designed based on randomly generated words. Today, they are;

Hook, Cast and Bubble.

As such, the game I’ve designed today is…

Hook, Line and Bubble.


Hook, Line and Bubble is a game about catching fish with bubbles, which are both less cruel and more hilarious than hooks. It’s ostensibly a 2D game entirely about catching fish, like Ridiculous Fishing but without all the fun and originality (maybe some of the fun).

Players control a large bubble that begins to sink underwater, and it can be called back up at any time. Fish that are caught inside the bubble will become stuck unless the bubble shifts significantly, meaning that players have to hover over a fish for some time to get it stuck, then ensure they don’t move too quickly or hit anything else on the way out.

Fish that are successfully brought to the surface earn money for the player, which can be spent on bubble upgrades like size, durability and speed. The basic gameplay loop is to catch fish to buy upgrades to dive deeper to get better fish and so on.

That’s it! Thanks for reading. I typed this up on the floor with an iPad, so if there are any errors, chalk it up to that (and definitely not me). The quality will continue to shift a bit while I’m away for another week or so. I’ll be back tomorrow with another quick game concept!


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